(208) 754-8604 melementary@sd251.org

Falcon Pages

Our Falcons have names!
Hunter and Sky

Write or draw how falcons catch their prey.  Do they just eat mice, or do they eat anything else?

1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

January Paragraph Winners!

Student recieved a Fixxology gift card.


1st Grade

2nd Grade

Rory, Killpack

Christian, Ridley

Braelyn, Bailey

Marin, Walker

Aiden, MacPherson

Dean, Balmforth

Liam, Yearsley

Cora, Thomson

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

Nora, Day

Taylen, Bowden

Alex, Gonzalez

Isaac, Johnson

Coroline, Hull

Aurora, White

Fiona, Reese

Jesus, Lindstrom

Emmett, Davis

Sky and Hunter are deciding where to hunt for food around the school. Where should they hunt and why there?

Hunter has eaten too many mice and doesn’t feel well.  What will Sky do to help Hunter, and what should Hunter do to feel better?