Our fax machine is out of order. Please email ebennett@sd251.org for any fax needs. Thanks!

New Student and Kindergarten Registration
Please register your student online: Student Enrollment
You will need the following:
– Certified Birth Certificate – Immunization Records – Proof of Residency (Two Items)
Examples: Tax statement, utility bill with physical address, homeowners insurance,
rental agreement, building permit/construction permit, etc.
Children MUST be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025 to enter Kindergarten.
Documents can be emailed, uploaded on the registration form, or dropped off at Midway during school hours.
Back to School Night is August 21, 2025.

March 31 – April 4, 2025

To keep students safe during pick up and drop off times, we are asking that all students be picked up and dropped off in the drop zone. This is indicated by the star below ∗. Please refer to the map (click to see a larger version). Thank you for your cooperation, Midway Elementary.